Eleven Key Attributes of a Good Property Manager

Eleven Key Attributes of a Good Property Manager

Property Management is a career profession. The industry allows for employment growth, continual learning experiences, and the opportunity to work with diverse people and income groups. The Property Manager can work either directly for an owner of real estate properties, or for a property management company, contracted by an owner or legal entity to care for the real estate over a specific period of time.
The Property manager has a fiduciary relationship with the management company and property owner. A fiduciary relationship is one that is based on a mutual trust and complete confidence in one another.
The Property Manager is provided an owner's real estate portfolio to manage to its "highest and best use" in exchange for an employment contract or salary. Real estate assignments for the property manager includes apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, storage facilities, shopping centers, office buildings, government subsidized properties, rooming houses, abandoned buildings and plots of vacant land, to name a few.
I have managed almost all of the above types of properties for over twenty years. I have managed public and private housing, for non-profit organizations, for the federal government, and for private developers and real estate investors. I also owned my own property management company for eight years. I now teach, speak, and write about property management standards and techniques. Here are some crucial skills, which I know from first hand experience, must be accepted as required attributes and learned skills in order to be a good property manager.

1. Must Know and Stay Current on Local Ordinances and State Laws
Managers are required to perform their work according to the laws of the land. The government (city, state, and federal) dictates how real estate is to be managed, from requiring a real estate license (depending on the state), to the use of the real estate (such as rent control laws). From proper trash removal to how and where we must keep security deposits, the manager has to keep abreast of the many legal requirements of managing real estate. If a mistake is made or a task is forgotten, it could cost the owner his or her property, and/or a management company's reputation, loss of the account, or even the loss of real estate licenses.

2. Must Be Highly Ethical and Honest
Property Managers work on the Honor Code when they handle other people's money. By collecting rent, security deposits, laundry machine money et al, the property manager holds a fiduciary relationship with the property owner and/or management company. The owner entrusts the property with thousands of dollars each month, plus the value of the real estate itself. The manager is hired to perform at his or her highest level of integrity. On a daily basis, the property manager's good judgment and sense of what is right and wrong is called into play.

3. Must be Detail Oriented and Organized
Managers collect the rent daily, and must ensure that each rent is paid and posted to the tenants' account as received. Financial records detailing each and every rent transaction are kept, either by rent cards, or on the computer. Lease expirations and renewals, rent increase letters, and rent invoices must be mailed on time. lines for court appearances must be kept, and clients must receive their written monthly report of operations. A skilled property manager is able to multi-task, keep site files organized, and prioritize repairs and assignments.

4. Must Have Good Communication Skills

Managers must be able to communicate with people from all walks of life, cultures, ethnicity, and personalities. Managers must be able to articulate their cases in front of judges, talk to the owner, negotiate with vendors as well as speak appropriately with tenants, who are often frustrated, upset, or angry. A good manager must be able to stay calm, and communicate in a professional manner. Familiarity speaking in other languages is always a plus.

5. Must have Good Computer Skills
Computer competency is a technical skill, like driving, typing, etc. The use of email, mail merge, and faxing through the computer is at the heart of property management today. This is especially true if the property is on one part of the city or state, and the home office is a distance away from the site. If a manager does not have a solid command of the computer and its basic programs, such as Microsoft Word and the spreadsheet Excel, you may be hard pressed to find an administrative position in this field.

6. Should Like Working with the Public
If everyone paid the rent on time by the fifth day of each month, the manager would not have rent collection work to do. If a property never had problems, such as toilet overflows, lost keys, or defective smoke detectors, a property manager would have little to do. Therefore, it is important that a manager enjoy dealing with people with problems. A manager should at least like helping tenants with dignity, and in a responsible manager. If you do not like being interrupted several times a day with a dilemma to solve, this type of job may not be for you.

7. Must Be Patient and Have a Sense of Humor
There is some pressure involved working with the public. There are days when nothing seems to go right, and if you happen to have a headache that day, it could be a long 9 to 5. A calm personality or a good sense of humor will take you a long way in property management. If you tend to be high-strung, anxious, or become angry or impatient while working with tight deadlines or with people with problems, you may want to re-consider taking on this profession.

8. Must Like to Read and Conduct Research
There are many types of leases, agreements, forms, and other legal documents that must be signed between tenants, the manager, government agencies, the site attorney, and/or the owner. Real estate and governmental regulations change; the manager must be willing to read up on them and stay current. Documentation must be read and checked before submitted to tenants, agencies, the owner, etc. If you do not like to read in order to keep up with the latest trends, legal and industry changes and terminology used, you will not be able to properly do your job.

9. Must Have a Strong Sense of Duty and Commitment
Ensuring that the tenants under your control are treated with respect, have heat and hot water, are not subjected to or committing illegal activities or disruptive behavior of their neighbors, are some of the managers' duties. Tenants depend on the manager's sense of obligation to the property and the families or professionals who live in it. The manager may not always have the funds to do everything all the time, but what can and should be done, such as keeping the building clean, and having a sense of urgency to get work completed in a timely manner.

10. Should be Flexible-Minded
Property Management is a fluid profession, in that it follows economic, governmental, industry, and societal changes that impacts how a property is managed. Managers who still like the "good old days" of mistreating tenants and making rental applicants jump through unnecessary hoops to get an apartment (or the opposite, by not checking anything), will find him or herself out of touch, and maybe out of a job. The ability to accept changes of law, obey fair housing laws, have a positive, or at least a neutral, attitude about people who are different, and above all, to be open-minded, is a key element of a successful manager.

11. Must Be an Excellent Follow-Up Person
A manager can never assume that a repair or rent payment plan will happen on its own. Our mantra is: "Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up!" This is one of the most critical skills of a good property manager. The ability to multi-task, keeping several balls in the air without dropping any of them is challenging, and difficult at times. The ability to successfully multi-task is often rewarded both financially and in promotion decisions.

Automated Marketing

Automated Marketing Systems Causing Mass Confusion For New Network Marketers

What's the Difference between an Automated Marketing System and an Automated Marketing System?
HUH?  Doesn't that sound like double talk?
Well, yeah it does, but people hear the term "automated marketing system" all the time and in actuality they can be very different one from the other.  On the one hand, people are hearing that automated marketing systems are absolutely critical to run a well oiled internet marketing business and on the other hand, they hear leaders in the industry say to beware of automated marketing systems and not be gullible to buy in.  So what's the deal?
Well, that's because there are several types of scenarios where automated marketing systems come into play.  Let's define them and see if we can help with understanding the differences.

Automated Marketing System Scenario #1
As people surf the net, they come across websites where an automated system is being promoted as the solution to their lack of making money online.   Or, they've never looked into making money online and there are thousands of websites promoting how they can be in cash flow within 24 hours if they just plugged in today.  They are like a kid in a candy store.  Gullibility sets in.   Greed set in.
The ad will promote the features of the automated system as a "plug and play" and you'll find stacks of dollar bills rubber banded next to a computer or better yet, they are falling from the sky above the computer.  There's no telling what the product or services may be that they are promoting, could even be some kind of cash gifting program or who knows what.
These individuals have no idea who's behind the website but the advertising is so compelling and the graphics are so beautiful that they pay the required membership fee to acquire this magnificent ATM machine.  They have no skills to market it, they don't know who their niche market is and they be somewhat confused about what it is they are exactly marketing.  However, they log in to their back office of their money making machine and are told to place ads.  So they place a $10 ad with the expectation that money will be cash flowing within moments.  Hummm, nothing.  It doesn't work.  There's no action going on.  They quit and feel scammed.
There are scammy programs out there and unless someone has done the due diligence behind the website, they should stay away.  The problem is that there are thousands of people coming online for the first time and searching for a way to make money and they simply don't know any better.  They get so caught up in the pie in the sky and because they have never been burned before and lack the sense to know what to look for and what to stay away from, they are scammed.

Automated Marketing System Scenario #2
You join a home based business opportunity and the company offers a replicated website to you, sometimes for free, sometimes for a monthly or yearly fee.  These replicated websites are often very colorful and pretty with all the information about the company, the products and services they offer, the pay plan, how to get started in business and/or how to purchase their products.
In their features, they say that the system is automated, just start marketing it.  This means that when someone lands on your website, there is a place for them to "opt in", or, enter their name and email to receive access to the information about the product or service.  The system will automatically begin to send them a series of pre-written emails to the email address they provided.  The emails continue to promote the product and/or service and invites the customer back to the website in hopes that they will buy.
These are generally very ineffective because they are cold, no personal touch, no human relationship and therefore lack of trust.  Again, this system is designed to sell the product or business opportunity. What the inexperienced home business owner doesn't know yet is that people will buy them, not their biz op, and because they are nowhere to be seen or presented to the lead, they will find very little, if any, success using this system.
The second problem with company replicated websites and systems is that there are thousands and thousands of company representatives or distributors who are all using the same cookie cutter website and follow up messages.  People who are searching for their company often land on the same site over and over and have seen it.
There's nothing in place branding YOU and allowing you to sent yourself aside from everyone else.

Automated Marketing System Scenario #3
You join a home based business and you're smart enough to know that the company replicated website doesn't do a good job of really selling the features and benefits of what you have to offer so you look outside to third party vendors who develop systems that promise better results.  You are hoping to find one that is powerful enough that would cause people to join without having to talk to you first.
Usually you have many selections to choose from and they can range in price from $40/month to $300/mo.  They are definitely more compelling than company replicates sites and there's even someone doing videos and audios selling the benefits and features.  You pick one and go with it.  You're hopes and dreams skyrocket.  You begin to follow the directions on how to advertise your system and implement.  But once again, nothing is happening.  You continue to market your system, you spend a couple hundred dollars but get minimal or no results.
This is again because the person who opted into your website, doesn't know who's behind it.  They are skeptical.  These people have seen this very same website over and over.  They've been down that road before and are not interested in a review.  They leave your website.  The ones that do opt-in to receive information are generally gullible and clueless about the company that they will be asked to join later on.  Again, we're talking about automated systems that are attempting to sell your home based business opportunity.

Automated Marketing System Scenario #4
You develop your own system.   No cookie cutter here.  Here's what it looks like.
You create your own personally branded website so immediately the individual landing on your website meets you.  They see you, they hear your message and know exactly who's behind the website.  You are branding YOU, Inc.  This is their first impression and they appreciate you coming out, welcoming them and letting them know what they can expect by spending some time on your site.  They comfortably enter their name and email and look forward to your information.
You yourself have written a series of emails that will be automatically sent to them over the course of a couple weeks.  You are giving them value and business building tips.  You introduce your business to them and what do you know, you're getting people responding.   People are joining with you in business and your organization begins to grow.

Why is this?  Simple.  Two reasons.
First, you have allowed them see you upfront where they have been able now to determine a level of knowing you, liking you and trusting you.
Second, they know it's you who's behind the third party automated system and are comfortable taking action while going through the system.
Let me ask you a question.  Did they buy your business opportunity and your product?  OR, did they buy YOU?  I hope you recognize that they bought you.  People want to do business with those they know, like and trust and are leaders.  There's no two ways around this.
They've been exposed to the high value you've given them in the tips and coaching you've provided through your emails and perhaps you've even done a webinar and invited them offline to learn more about you and your business which creates a leadership posture and further trust.

How to incorporate a third party automated system into your own to make it all work
If you decide to use a third party automated system, it's important to brand it around you and your personally created and branded website.  Remember, YOU, Inc. is your business.  There's nothing wrong with using automated systems but you need to develop the trust factor before they enter the unknown system.
For example, when they land on your personally branded website where you are welcoming them, you can tell them you have a system they can test drive to show them how to harness the power of the internet and to experience how they can utilize the system to generate leads and sales for their business.  Now, when you invite them to opt in to that system, they know you're behind it.  They are now comfortable knowing that you have their contact information and not some creep.  They are not afraid to move forward and contact you.  Now you have a automated system working for you around that clock that gets your phone to ring.
Debbie Turner is a Renegade Professional, a network marketing coach and business owner and is the author of How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Rookie Mistakes New Home Based Business Owners Make.
A free copy of this book is available on her website at http://www.MentoringWithHeart.com.
You can visit her blog at http://www.DebbieTurner.com.

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